The Unseen Joys Of Creating With Blind Trust

The Unseen Joys Of Creating With Blind Trust
“In the realm of creation, sometimes the most profound visions arise when our eyes are closed.”

The blank canvas stares back at you, a challenge, a provocation. Ever felt stifled by the weight of that expectation? What if the key to unlocking boundless creativity is simply… not seeing the canvas at all? Welcome to the world of “Blind Trust”, a creativity exercise designed to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and introduce you to an artistry you didn't know existed within you.

Why 'Blind Trust'?

It's often said that when one sense is restricted, the others heighten. By surrendering our most relied-upon sense—sight—we tap into a raw, intuitive side of ourselves. Here, the process becomes the masterpiece. The focus shifts from the result to the journey, from the form to the feeling. It's creativity in its purest, most uninhibited form.

A Historical Detour

Believe it or not, the roots of such an exercise might be older than you think. In the annals of art history, there've been artists who have, either due to circumstance or choice, relinquished the privilege of sight. The famous blind artist Esref Armagan, for instance, paints vibrant pictures using only his tactile senses. Then there are performance artists who've utilized blindfolds to challenge and emphasize other sensory experiences.

The Playful Process: Let’s Dive In!

1. Preparation: Find a comfortable spot. Ensure there are no sharp objects or potential hazards around. The last thing we want is a surprise trip to the emergency room, right?

2. Tools: Grab your tools. Brushes, pencils, clay—whatever tickles your fancy. Remember, the messier, the merrier!

3. Close & Breathe: Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Let the anticipation build.

4. Go Wild: With your eyes closed, let your hands guide the way. Don't think, just do. Feel the brush's bristles, the clay's coolness, or the pencil's point. The world is your oyster, and there's no wrong way to paint, draw, or sculpt it.

5. Revelation: Once you feel you're done, open your eyes. Embrace whatever you've created, even if it's just a squiggly line or a blob of paint. It's a reflection of your unguarded soul.

Benefits of 'Blind Trust'

  • Busting the Creative Block: Nothing says 'goodbye writer's block' like a method that asks you to throw caution to the wind.
  • Embracing Imperfection: In an age of Instagram-perfect art, this is your ticket to relishing imperfections.
  • Building Intuition: You’ll start trusting your instincts more, even in everyday life.
  • Mental Liberation: Free from the constraints of sight, judgement, and apprehension, your mind truly tastes freedom.

A World Beyond Sight

In the vast landscape of artistic techniques and exercises, “Blind Trust” stands out as a beacon of hope for those trapped in the confines of their own self-doubt or creative block. But more than a technique, it's a meditation, a reminder that sometimes, to truly see, we must first close our eyes.

As you embark on this journey of “Blind Trust,” remember: every stroke, line, or mould you make is a testament to your spirit's boundless creativity. So, the next time the weight of expectation bears down on you, shut out the world, close your eyes, and trust in the unseen magic of your hands. In that darkness, you’ll find the most luminous version of your artistic self, free and unbridled.